Posted by on 30th Jun 2017

Top 10 Aircraft of WWII | Mustang | Flying Fortress

The most dominant weapon of the battlefield during the Second World War was the airplane. In comparison to the tank and the battleship, the airplane was the most resourceful.

With capacity for air, land or sea attack missions, aircraft were deployed on many fronts. Destroying enemy industrial structures, providing cover while providing support for ground combat troops. They also carried out reconnaissance activities and supplied besieged armies even behind enemy lines.

For all the warring parties, aircraft fought and gained control of the skies as part of their tactical and strategic battle plans.

Below are ten memorable aircraft of the Second World War. Each one contributed to the war effort in a significant way. Earning the respect of all parties in the conflict. From the pilots who flew them, to the enemies who fought back.

Through the years of conflict (i.e. 1939 – 1945), aircraft technology advanced. It moved from the old bi-plane to the world’s premier jet fighter. Leaving behind the rough and basic two engine bombers, for the profound and far-reaching designs of the B-29 Superfortress heavy bombers. World War II witnessed the most extensive use of aircraft in the battlefield.

The aircraft listed below are among the top ten aircraft of the Second World War. They will always enjoy a special honor and place in aviation history.

Top Ten Best Aircraft

1. North American P-51 Mustang

One of the fastest piston-engine fighters, the P-51 Mustang is regarded as the greatest fighter aircraft of the war.

It had the capacity to go higher and further than all other combat aircraft deployed during the war.

The P-51 Mustang claimed the most kills by the Allied Forces. No fewer than 281 pilots earned their “Aces” distinction (5 kills) in a P-51 Mustang.

2. Focke-Wulf Fw-190

Introduced in September 1941, the Fw-190 shocked Allied Pilots who encountered it in the war. It proved to be an excellent fighter, fighter-bomber, and anti-tank aircraft. It inflicted cruel punishment on Allied bombers flying over Europe.

Oberleutenant Otto Kittle, the top fourth scoring ace of the Luftwaffe scored much of his 267 kills with the Fw-190.

3. Supermarine Spitfire

The Supermarine Spitfire are the masters of low-level combats. Supermarine Spitfires sealed their reputation as the fighter that changed the tide in the Battle of Britain.

Spitfires coerced the German Messerschmitt Bf-109 fighters to remain flat, thereby protecting the Allied bombers. Thus neutralizing the advantages of the Bf-109.

Even after the threat was over, Spitfires were engaged in other capacities. They served as bombers and carrier-based fighters.

4. Messerschmitt Bf-109

Rapid and agile, the Bf-109s dominated the skies at great heights. With its load of 20 mm cannons, the Bf-109 was one of the most famous aircraft in the Luftwaffe. It was active on all frontiers of the battle.

5. Mitsubishi A6M Zero

Perceived as the leading carrier-borne aircraft of its era, the Zero was regarded by many as “invincible.” Due to its range and capacity to manoeuvre. It was the dominant fighter in the first two years of the Pacific wars until superior American aircraft became available.

6. Junkers 87 Stuka

Noted for its loud piercing screech, an approaching Stuka drove ground troops running for cover. A dive-bomber and ground attack aircraft, it performed its role with high efficiency and deadliness.

With the Stuka, Hans Ulrich Rudel, of the Luftwaffe destroyed more than 500 Russian tanks.

7. Ilyushin-2 shturmovik

Another legend of the Second World War. The Germans called it the “Black Death” while Stalin reportedly said: “ the Red Army needs the Ilyushin-2 as it needs air and bread .”

The aircraft destroyed more enemy tanks than any other destroy and is regarded as the number one anti-tank aircraft in the world. It is also the most produced aircraft with 36,000 units produced during the conflict.

8. Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

The long-range heavy bomber led the US Air Force assault in occupied Europe during the war. It destroyed and disrupted industrial activity in Nazi Germany. However, the crew of the Superfortress also received severe punishment from the Luftwaffe fighters.

Over 47,000 US Airmen lost their lives during missions in Germany.

9. Vought F4U- Corsair

Viewed by experts as one of the finest fighters ever built. The F4U gained air supremacy over the Pacific islands, outclassing the Mitsubishi Zero. An excellent ground attack aircraft, it paved the way for the final battles at Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

10. Messerschmitt 262

The Messerschmitt 262 earns a place on the list more for its role after the war than during the conflict.

Inspired by the technology of the M-262 in airframe design and rocketry, scientists were able to develop more advanced aircraft prototypes.

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