Posted by on 2nd May 2018

Your Most Secret Information

The Secret Life of You

 (Everything about You is being Collected, Stored, and Openly Sold)

All of your Data about everything you do and say on Social Media is being collected and stored, and openly Sold. Your Medical Records, Dental Records, Driving Records, even your kids data are being openly assembled and sold to any bidder, many times over.

  • The Secret Life of You has few secrets any more. Your Name, Driver License Data, even your Social Security numbers are most likely all collected and being sold. Some of that information will also start appearing on the “Dark Web”.
  • Even your ability to secure a Loan is now impacted since Equifax was “hacked” and 147.9 million consumers lost their information. Damage that will keep on hurting in the future.
  • Medical records are being sold by your hospital too. Your Doctor’s Office can also gain income from selling your information.
  • Insurance Companies are hot for everything about your medical information and your driving habits.
  • States are loosening laws protecting private information as they feel overwhelmed by lobbyists who work for entities who want this information. Selling your information is now Big Business.
  • Google, Microsoft (Bing), Yahoo, and others are falling over each other stockpiling, selling, and using your online shopping data and habits to not only use for themselves, but to sell to anyone who wants it, even foreign governments. And they “know” where you are, most of the time.
  • Travel booking sites are demanding passport and payment information before they book and that is being sold.
  • Your Facebook messages and Images are being captured and sold. Your Tweets and Instagram’s as well.
  • Your computer’s or Phone Browser can be a tool for hackers to gain your secrets.
  • Then there is the NSA top-secret PRISM program that allows the intelligence community to gain access to Internet Companies Data on you, your phone data, and your emails if they want it.
  • Confidential and sensitive information on You, or Your Business are already being gathered and sold on open markets.
  • Americans have no law allowing them to demand or request their Data not be used or stored.
  • It’s not Big Brother you need worry about. It’s High-Tech Silicon Valley that is stealing, collecting and destroying your privacy and the most secret life of you.
  • Last, those fancy shopping gizmos you bought last Christmas, like Amazon’s Alexa Echo or Google Home are “listening” to everything you and your kids comment or speak. That is stored and sold on the open market too. That market will soon overshadow Wall Street as a business marketplace.