Posted by on 16th Nov 2015

Why are American Leather Bomber Jackets so high in Price?

Well, let’s go back a few years. To 2008 to be exact.Two important things happened.The American Housing Bubble crashed the American economy, and the Chinese began to buy up all the American and European leather, especially sheepskin, they could manage to get their hands on.They also began a buying assault on American Cotton.Cotton has a unique long shelf life.So does properly tanned Leather and sheepskin.These two events drove the price of all premium leathers through the roof.

The Chinese bought up the worlds sheepskin to the point that many European and American Markets, including their manufacturers, were suddenly faced with a closing market due to shear lack of product to work with.And with all of the cotton the Chinese have now purchased and stored, they can drive the market prices anytime they choose.

Orders came in and could not be fulfilled because there was not sheepskin to make anything.Even PremiumLambskin from the U.S. and Europe (namely France) became scarce. Plus, you add a shortage of Premium Goatskin from Pakistan due to the bombing of northern Pakistan along the border, where the best quality and thickest goatskin has always come from. Now you have a genuine shortage of premium leathers from all over the world due to differing factors.That would drive any usual low market price upward until most folks can’t afford it.Let’s face, luxury does not come before the house payment and food on the table. And since the product has become scarce, that also figures into raising the price even more.

A USA Made Leather Bomber Jacket was around $129.00 in price.That same jacket now retails for anywhere from $380 to $425. Sticker shock anyone?Sheepskin B3 Bomber Jacket were retailing near $150 Dollars.A USA Made B3 Shearling now retails from $900 to $1,200 Dollars.The materials that make up these wonderful jackets has just skyrocketed so high a lot of consumers just can’t afford them.And that means the total market share has indeed shrunk.

American Manufacturer are still struggling to make a go of selling A2 Bomber Jackets.But ‘struggling’ is the key word here.