Posted by on 9th Nov 2017

The B15 Nylon Bomber Jacket

In spite of its long military history, the Nylon Bomber Jacket also has a very serious and long history with many of the agencies in government. It has a civilian service history is distinguished and has a national presence not achieved by many other models of jacket.

The 9115 Nylon Bomber Jacket for men is more than recognized by most drivers. During the winter, those who see an officer helping others or giving out tickets, will notice the blue or black 9115 nylon jacket that he or she is wearing. Some of these police issue jackets have reflective bands, but all of them have a badge. For decades, sheriff and police departments have been wearing this 9115 model Nylon Bomber Jacket. It is worn more than any other style of outer wear by men and women of law enforcement today.

Its utilitarian use, lightweight, and warmth are all reasons why the 9115 Nylon Bomber Jacket is favored by law enforcement. This jacket allows room for police to use their thick belts that have many pieces of gear attached. It is favored by state patrol officers because of its warmth.

In WWII, tank operators needed warmth from their tanker's jacket, but they also needed it to be light weight because they had to climb in and out of tanks and other heavy vehicles. The T20 Nylon Bomber Jacket for men could be considered a descendant of this military jacket.

Serious upgrades were built into the jacket during the Korean Conflict. Increased warmth came from more polyester fiber, and military styling changed too. The jacket came the following colors: sage green, khaki, sky blue, and dark blue.

The B15 nylon bomber jacket was favored by law enforcement, and after various upgrades and forms, ambulance crews started wearing it. Employers of bus drivers and other civilian workers began issuing some form of the B15 Bomber Jacket for men to their workers. Many guard companies prefer to issue the Nylon Bomber Jacket for men to their workers too. Some like a plain collar, and others want fur on the collar. Depending on their preference, they will issue a jacket with slash pockets or patch pockets.

The 9149 Nylon Bomber Jacket for men is the newer model B15. This model features patch pockets and is warmer than anything previously issued. The model of this jacket is the same, but it has a full sleeve removable liner, instead of heavy lining. This newer treated B15 jacket does not let the cold in close to your body. This style is being used by service agency employees that deal with cold winter weather, bus drivers, and cruise line employees. It is considered a serious upgrade from the older 9115 or T20 models. This jacket meets many needs in serious weather, by demanding wearers. It is available with and without a fur collar.

There are many practical uses for the B15 styled jacket. Military and civilian users appreciate the key element of warmth that this item provides. The styling of this kind of outer wear has always closely followed military demands, and been echoed on the street for civilians. For example, in WWI, Wall Street workers adopted the military trench coat to wear with a suit and tie for formal and winter wear.

In spite of the attempts by fashion designers to change the style of the B15 in large and small ways, it deflects all their efforts. Its adoption for civilian use has made an important statement in the apparel industry.