Support Our Troops! America is the Greatest!

Posted by on 16th Nov 2015

Support Our Troops! America is the Greatest! is an American Company. We support our Troops and we cherish our Flag. Why not? It is the Flag of our Nation, our history, our glory, and our Founding Fathers faced horrible perils to present this precious gift of Freedom to us all. recognizes that our country, the United States, is exceptional with exceptional first rate people. Our Company refuses to accept or recognize anything less. We love the Pledge of Alliance as well.  We are a Veteran Owned Company, and we will stand for our Flag, our comrades in arms, our veterans, and our Republic for which all that stands for.  We live in a Republic and it seems some have forgotten that little but important point.

We support the Constitution as written and support both its glorious history and its continuation. From time to time, our Constitution has seen Amendments, some that have served well, and others not so well. But it is the best we have or will ever have.

Yes, supports the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, as we support all of the Bill of Rights for all Americans. We fully support and appreciate what the Bill of Rights gives our Nation and our people. We recognize that some may fail to appreciate what they have been given.

We support our Troops. All of them, from those that fly, to those that sail, to those who sleep in the mud and those who back them all up. They sacrifice to go in harm’s way while the rest of us enjoy our daily lives. And we give pause for those real heroes who did not come back and are not with our families today. Everything we are is a direct result of their sacrifice over the many score of years this Nation has survived. also appreciates the importance of an educated electorate. Only with an educated and continued civic minded electorate, can our wonderful country continue to grow and maintain its treasured freedoms and culture. Our youth is our most priceless asset with our fathers and mothers our most precious endowment. We must stand fast with our Nation's Religious Heritage and the success it has brought to our Nation and our people.

We believe America is exceptional. We must stay that course for our Freedom is dependent on our ability to imagine and create. America is and always has been a nation of “Can Do and Make it Happen”. Americans have always thrived on challenges. No matter what our future may bring, Americans must never forget who we are and what we are capable in accomplishing. We are the Americans. There has never been anyone in the world's history like us. We must never forget that. Americans never take a back seat to anyone, nor should we.

We are Thank You for taking time to read this and please support our Troops.