Posted by My Bomber Jacket on 14th Oct 2021

Shortages Everywhere!

Shortages abound everywhere and in every American industry. From many food items, toys, electronic games, motorized cars and truck, even apparel.

The latest Government Administration has enacted or failed to enact or correct policies that have now crippled the American economy. And it seems all so political, so vindictive, so anti-Trump with every move or lack of movement.

Its time this current administration gets over its bile and re-start this economy. They can start by not throwing the baby out with the bath water.  Yet, it seems that is what is happening.  The current administration is at fault here, and it looks like they don't have a clue, other than to blame the past administration for their day to day faults, or they blame the American people themselves.

The Democrats are so filled with their hate for Republicans they seem willing to do anything to hurt this great nation of ours in order to get their way. The welfare of the country, its citizens, its economy, is all set by the wayside, forgotten, abandoned for the glory of political power. Power is the goal and the means to that goal. Even the Independents are confused as to the direction and goals of the county. Far too many think the Democrats are destroying the country basic fabric that holds it all together.

Racism. CRT. Equity. Voting Issues. Trillions of dollars spent. White Systematic Racism. It all adds up to form a maelstrom, an internal turbulence the country as a whole does not desire or approve.

The only issued these topics bring to the public is chaos, havoc, and uproar that is not needed right now. They all create a mayhem of division and unrest, and un-trust. That is not what the majority of Americans want.

American on the whole want to work at their job, or career. Make money, shop for what they want. Instability is not what Americans thrive on, let alone crave.

Yet, there are those in the minority who want to create more confusion and turmoil. Almost like they feed on it. They set in front of cameras and claim some unknown or unrealized importance and find fault with every piece of the American life fabric. Like some angel form hell, they find fault with our history, our traditions, our current society, even the food we eat, the cars we enjoy, and everything we Americans love.

The far-left hate our religions. They hate heterosexuals. They hate strong males who project a man’s man persona. So long to strong movie types like Cary Grant, John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart and Clark Gable. They hate vehicles that run on gas. They hate the Oil Industry. They hate Oil Pipelines. They hate paychecks unless it comes from the government. They hate private business, large or small. They hate anything they have to buy as they believe it all should be FREE! They hate paying for school. They hate self-determination. They hate self-industry.

It seems they hate just about everything that is not a government subsidy or hand-out.

The want to shut everything down in the name of climate change control, that we would be back in the days of going no where because we all would have to walk to our destination. They love going after cow flatulence in the name of climate change, what do you think they would do if everyone owned a horse or two. Horses eat and poop just as much as cows.

This Administration has ruined the textile industry in the name of their far-left agenda.