Posted by on 16th Nov 2015

Safe Internet Shopping is Every Retailers Concern is fully committed to offering our Customers the very best products distributed only from Authorized and Licensed American Distributors and/or actual Manufacturers.

Both our Customers, their shopping experience, and our Customers safety is of vital importance to us.

The Valuable Information on this Page is provided to You as an important guideline when purchasing any Product from any Online Retail Outlet or Internet Retail Website.

There are millions of places on the World Wide Web and Shoppers have so many choices available to them. But, be careful out there. The Cheapest price is not necessarily the best overall bargain. Buying from the Internet is a great idea, if you are cautious and know where you are and something about what you are looking for. Get to know the Online Store You are Shopping on. Call them up and strike up a relationship with them over the phone, in other words, get to know them first before buying. Find out if they are for real and know something about the products they are selling. Find out what their Return and Exchange Policies are.

1. Check for a Telephone Number listed prominently on their Internet Website:

For a comparison example, not only is our phone number for American Mystique on the bottom of every single page throughout our website, so is our direct email address. Our Customers have no problems knowing how and what to use in contacting us. You should compare that with other Retail Business Websites.

If you cannot find a phone number or if you have trouble finding a contact page with the proper contact information:

Exercise Extreme Caution--They are telling you UPFRONT that they have no interest in being bothered by You or Your problems, period. If the only contact is though Email with no published phone number, there is always the risk they are selling your email address to others. Others will sell your information for profit.

This can result later in unwanted Spam or Phishing and Pharming Scams.

Full Automation can be a wonderful thing for any Business, but it does have its downside: Lost Customer Service, or bad Customer Service, or no customer service at all. Be sure to explore all Business and Retail Websites to read up on their Customer Service Page, Shipping Page,and their Merchant Policies. If these all important Policies are non-existent or not easily found on their website, then think about doing business elsewhere.

Sloppy Policies can also result in Transaction and Information Fraud. This is one of the biggest issues and problems facing Auction Websites and their Customers. More ID Theft and other Transaction Fraud Scams take place on Internet Auction Websites according to the Better Business Bureau. The Sellers have all the advantages and can easily skip town after receiving the money from the buyer. Unfortunately, these scam artists reappear within hours using a different name and internet IP address. Not Ebay or any of the Card Companies have been able to put a real stop to their activity. For these type of crooks, any internet cafe becomes a safe haven.

If You can find no way to contact the Business: Any purchasing issues you may have are just this: Your problems. This is a good sign 'They' want to forget about You after the Sale Transaction.

Alert! If the only address shown for the Business is just a P.O. Box: Conduct Your transaction business with someone else, preferably with someone who is not afraid to publish a Physical Address!

2. What is their Privacy & Security Policy and their Return & Exchange Policies or Merchant Policy?

Check any retail Website for these important items and be sure to take the time to Read Them carefully! Not reading them...may cost you money or valuable lost Personal Information after the purchase. Privacy and Security Policies are often found together. Exchange Policies and Merchant Policy are often the same thing.

Some Retail Businesses do not allow Returns or Exchanges and many times the customer is in the dark regarding that company's policies. Ask Them! Check first if you cannot find any information regarding Exchanges and Returns.

After all, it is your Money that is involved here.

Caution--If you look and do not find these Policies published somewhere on the Website, You will be Wise to do business elsewhere.

Extreme Caution--Just in case You did not know, some Auction Sellers from Online Auction Websites such as Ebay are Selling Your Purchasing Information to other Entities. Some of these Entities engage in ID Theft! So be very careful who you are dealing with and what information you impart to them.

3. Never be afraid to call the Business up and ask questions regarding the product you are shopping for:

Is the Item a "Demo"? Why is it priced this way? Does it come with full Warranty? Where do you get your products? Who do you buy them from? Can I return it if I do not like it?

Get Answers if you need them! Protect yourself by asking questions. Get the Name of the Individual you talked with, it really helps down the road.

4. Do not allow someone to sell you Accessories or Extras (such as extra coatings or parts) that should already be in the package or not needed in the first place:

This practice is called "Stripping" and "Enhancing." Unfortunately, this ruse has become a common problem on the Internet.

"They" sell You the Product " dirt cheap", then talk you into buying some "Extras" that you should have received free or are not needed in the first place. That is how the Business makes up the difference in lost profit. Those free included 'Extras' were taken from the original box (stripped) and then sold as an extra.

Caution: You may be buying Contraband (stolen merchandise) and not know it.

5. Beware of "Extras" for items, especially Leather Goods. You should not need any.

We get asked this question all the time. If the garment needs extra chemicals to "break it in" or to soften the leather, You should be questioning the tanning process or the thickness of the leather garment to begin with.

This may indicate a leather garment poorly processed or just plain poor leather to begin with. It can also be someone trying to get you to spend unneeded dollars.

Other items that come in boxes with parts should have all the parts intended from the maker. Don't let them sell you the 'Extras' at an additional cost. Again, call up the Manufacturer and ask them if these extras should already be in the package you received.

6. Know the difference between "The Offered Price" and "Your True Cost" for any Product You purchase:

Remember, You will always "Get What You Pay For"!

Price is the amount you pay for an Item.

The Real Cost for that Item is its Quality and Durability, and Services offered or needed in the future, like being able to exchange or return, or get a repair.

Learn the Lesson: If you buy Cheap, You receive Cheap!

Paying for Better Quality certainly reduces the true "Cost". Why buy something You will soon have to replace? That is your "Cost".

Buying Cheap or at a seemingly too low price means: The Price is Low, but your true "Cost" may be Higher. You may pay less, but have trouble getting an exchange or return later.

You are not doing yourself any favors by buying lesser made merchandise. If the Price is too low compared to market standards, it may be a 'second', slightly used, or just plain damaged. If you know the label, manufacture, call them up and ask what the M.S.R.P. really is. Products are not marked down that low for just any reason.

7. Are you buying from a Legitimate Business, or a Scam Artist? Or are you purchasing from someone who does not care about Customer Security?

Some Retail Websites are Legitimate Businesses, but lets be very real here. When it comes to protecting your transaction information, there are certain things you can and need to look out for:

A. Any Legitimate Online Businesses will only ask for the needed amount of information to complete a Transaction and they use a Secured Authorizing Agent, such as

This site is protected by Trustwave's Trusted Commerce program

B. When making a purchase, look for the little Yellow Padlock Icon or other Secure Symbols on the Transaction Page. This is when you are actually typing in that vital information, like a Credit Card Number. Another new item for security is the Trustwave Symbol on the website and in the shopping cart. All retail websites that accept Credit Cards over the phone, or through a shopping cart, or store any card information, are now required "Based upon information provided by The Retail Website regarding its policies, procedures, and technical systems that store, process and/or transmit cardholder data, They must performed the required procedures to validate compliance with the PCI DSS". (PCI means Processing Card Industry)

C. NEW ITEM! -The PCI DSS or Processing Card Industry is mandating all Online Businesses which take Credit Cards to achieve and retain PCI DSS Compliance Validation - Required of any organization that processes, transmits and/or stores cardholder data. If the Website does not present to You a Compliance Symbol you may want to consider more research into that Business before buying anything. The Validation can be Clicked and you can view the website's current compliance and validation. It should be found within the shopping cart and in various portions on the website itself. American Mystique for example cares their PCI DSS Compliance Validation on their Home page and on several other pages, plus it is also within our Shopping Cart.

D. Caution--If no Secured Field Window or Padlock Icon is present, the Transaction Page is Not Secure! This puts You and Your Information at Extreme High Risk! Someone 'out-there' may be stealing your information and selling it to others without you knowing it. Back out of the transaction immediately!

E. Caution--If they ask for your Social Security Number, or other unneeded details, back out of the transaction immediately! No one needs Your S.S. Number to Sell or Ship anything. And, they do not need any unnecessary information for Contests, Coupons, or Gift Certificates either.

F. Caution--If they will not properly identify themselves over the phone or through Email, then proceed to ask you for unnecessary personal information back out of the transaction immediately!

8. Keep Your Computer System Clean & always Update & Upgrade your Protection Software!

With High Speed Internet, more and more Business Website are going to Larger and Higher Pixel Pictures. Slower or poor running systems may not perform as needed. Clean your system with Ace Utilities and De-fragment your Computer's Drive Once a Week to allow your system to perform as it was intended. Use a good Anti-Virus System to protect your systems.

Higher Speed Internet allows faster intrusion by unwanted information seekers and Intruders. Keeping your systems updated and upgraded daily or weekly will enhance your ability to browse quickly & safely during online shopping.

Caution--Spyware should be wiped out at least once a week if not each day! Spyware can be used by other Online Entities to follow You while you surf Online. It is no different from having an unknown individual following You down a dark alley. Spyware gathers all sorts of information on You, like where you went online and what links or pictures you clicked. Spyware can even follow you into your Email. Plus, different Spyware will accumulate within your computer's programming and cause it to slow down and to run erratically. Spyware can rang from the very simple to extremely sophisticated, and it utilized by those who engage in ID Theft.

Downloading a Good Anti-Spyware Program is a must for today's Online Shopper. SpyBot Search & Destroy, Ace Utilities, and Adware are good programs to consider and you can download Free Programs that will defend you computer quite well. As Spyware collects inside your Computer, it will slow down your ability to surf and down load. It will slow down your home computer's operation and tie the entire system down. Malware is another issue that can damage your computer's operation and A-Squared from EMSI is another fine downloadable product that really works and its free as well.

Another great protection for you computer is Linksys Broadband Router. This keeps you invisible when searching the Web, and it can protect you against malicious spyware and such. We do recommend 'Norton Anti Virus' and 'Avast!' as solid anti virus protection systems. 'Avast!' is free for most home applications and it is not as invasive as Norton, which you must purchase. Norton Anti Virus, while good protection, can slow down most home computer systems, especially home systems that only use a single or dual processor. Norton is very good if you want Network protection for 3 or more computers that are on the same network, talking to each other. If you just need something really good for home computer use, we would recommend 'Avast! as it is not as invasive and does not tie up your processors with useless unusable and invasive rubbish.

American Mystique urges Customers to always thing twice before they Buy from anyone. If you always check first, you will always be ahead of the game.

****9. A Man named --- Zeus. You must be aware of Zeus and the potential of his programs to highjack your computer using spyware. It is said or rumored that Zeus is brilliant Russian software designer who is very talented despite being unscrupulous. You must guard against him using your computer. And Zeus will use your computer if given the chance.

A) Zeus sends Spyware to watch your computer, monitoring your system while waiting for you to enter into a financial secured area. He loves using some form of E-Card sent into your email system. If you click it, your computer will belong to Zeus and his software.

B) When you enter into any secured field, more dirty Spyware is triggered; automatically and secretly uploaded into your computer. Once there, it will join and talk with other individual PC's, programming them to work in conjunction to move huge sums of money from many Banks to an undisclosed destination overseas. Zeus can turn a 1,000 PC's into a super computer.

C) Protect your PC from E-Cards from folks you do not know (a favorite vehicle of Zeus). Don't accept E-Card Invitations coming into your email. If you don't know the person sending it, do not click the link. In fact, forget clicking on any unsolicited Links or attachment that come into your Email System.

That alone will aid in helping protect your systems against Zeus. Clean your computer daily using a good reputable Spyware Program. Being strict about NOT CLICKING unsolicited links will go a long way in protecting you against Zeus and other such entities.