Posted by on 23rd Oct 2019

No Jackets - No Shirts - No Nothing without OIL

Everyone's having an opinion on what should be done with Fossil Fuels is fueling an opinion on YOU. Sorry for the pun, but its true. Some Politicians have entered a “Green Bill” that would pretty much abolish a lot of the fossil fuels and their industries. This would abolish the use of fossil fuel using mechanization down to aircraft, trains, cars, and any other mode of transportation. Even fossil fuel that created electricity would be ended. And everyone is taking a sides; either pro or con. But – they are missing the main issue.

Do you want to lose what you currently use in your daily life? How about most Everything. . . .

So, why is oil so critically important? When was it first used? What was its effect on growing societies and industries? Let’s take a trip back to the British Industrial Revolution that started around 1760, that’s right, before the American Revolution. Steam was the main force for large machine movement; however, the invention of the machine Rotary Movement without human or horse power was a huge leap in manufacturing. Coal was the first industrial energy sources to produce needed Steam Power. And big ship Whaling Fleets brought the Whale Oil used for early lubrication for all those machine parts. Ocean whales were providing the blubber oil to keep the first industrial revolution going and in fact it was whales that provided the 2nd Industrial Revolution ticking on schedule as well. Yankee Whalermen provide a lot of whale oil to America and to Europe and once.

Oil in early China

Yet, Oil was piped in bamboo pipes in China for use in 600B.C. Think of that. Oil has been around for a long time.

Whale Oil is King but gives way to Petroleum

Whale Oil was king for a short period, but this was a living source and it soon began to price itself out of use and the whales themselves were becoming sparse. Petroleum was far cheaper and had more uses. Kerosene was discovered as a byproduct of a new energy source to replace whaling oil in oil lamps for lighting homes and for heating homes. Remember, coal and wood was used for heating homes and offices long before electricity and oil, or natural gas. Petroleum oils worked far better with rotary machinery too. Demand seriously increased as several industrial revolutions took off.

Machines of all kinds were invented and rotating engines demanded both a power source and something to grease the wheel of those machines. Oil could be delivered in different viscosities for different demands. Oil became big over night.

All sources of energy were used in the 1800’s, but oil finally overtook coal and wood. In 1919, the height of the Great War production oil now ruled and Petroleum never looked back. Oil has been king for some hundred years and it has worked its way into every facet of life all around the world. Not only as fuel, but the main hard source of Plastic’s, Nylon’s, and Polyesters. Heck – you are what you wear, right?

Pragmatically - What does Elimination of Oil mean for the Reality of Your Daily Life?

It means getting rid of just about everything you currently buy and use in your daily life. From clothes to everything computer, from music to sporting equipment, from nail polish to many medications, from simple hand lotion to slacks, dresses, and cotton Blends, plus every single machine that makes all that stuff YOU want to buy or use. You lose golf balls to shaving cream, from sun glasses to toilet seats, rubbing alcohol to antiseptics, electric tape to duck tap, and cell-phones to cameras, housing insulation to tires, and finally disposable diapers to soft contact lenses. Even metal nails for building. Think – every element in a Cell Phone needs Petroleum of some kind or from its use, including your television.

This is just the tip of the ice berg of products “YOU” would lose without Oil and Petroleum. This energy discussion is far more You and your needs, than just talking about the use of gas and diesel vs. electric cars or public transportation. Those Green Bill’s are not very well thought out. Support for it is just grand-standing, because it’s unfeasible in the extreme. It would automatically bring a world-wide economic depression the likes we have never known, with violent upheaval just about everywhere.

The end game is this: People like their stuff! And they aren’t going to want to throw it all away. Not unless you want to go back to hunting animals for fur to wear and cutting down the forests for fuel and your only warmth. People want food, clothing, travel, and lots of stuff.

Society can’t go backward to move forward. A new energy source will first have to make itself known and be not only reliable, but demonstrate it can out-perform petroleum usage. It may have to be invented or at least discovered. So far, hopes in this direction have not materialized as desired.

Until then, petroleum it is.