Posted by on 15th Oct 2014

Free Shipping or Expensive Shipping? | Is It Really Free?

Actually, both are the same when it comes to the bottom line, and many customers just refuse to listen and learn about shipping and shipping costs. Trust me, if you own a business, you learn the shipping business pretty quick. There are a lot of peculiarities and they all cost you money.

Lets say you are going to buy a navy pea coat online. You start that process and then you are asked by the Cart Process, what shipping do you want and they will list those and their prices. Now what, you ask?

Normally, it is not that hard to choose, but---there are situations and times when you need to pay attention to what you are asking for and choosing when it comes to shipping selection.

First, lets go over the time frame you need it delivered. During Christmas Shopping Period, you should always allow time for the package to arrive. This may or may not include choosing Ground Shipping. A good solid point to always remember is never use Ground Shipping after December, 10th. Even then, you are asking a lot of the shippers and the Carrier to ship you a navy wool pea coat on time for Christmas Delivery. 

They are in a firm rush once Thanksgiving is over, remember that. 2nd Day Deliver is not all that much more, usually coming out to about twice as much as Ground. Learning to work with that can save you a lot of headaches. Why, because it will get to you much sooner once it leaves the dock.

Two days is not 10 days. And Ground can be pushed back a bit in favor of those packages who are marked for earlier delivery. In other words, for birthdays and other special occasions, give yourself time if you want to ship ground. And ground saves you lots of money too and Procrastination costs you money. Simple rule, huh?

Seconded, let take a look at the shipping choices: Pay for Shipping or Free Shipping?

Free Shipping is nice, but –remember, there is no such thing as a Free Lunch. We just love seeing the words and letting them bounce around inside our consumer-I-want-it-now brain cells. The price of the women’s navy pea coat is great, or it looks great, until you realize that the price of the free shipping is already configured into the price you are going to pay for it. It’s sorta like a car trade-in where you think you are getting a trade in price, but in reality they are just taking your used car off of your hands while you think you are in the money, when you are not. But it makes you feel better, doesn’t it? 

Want money for you used car – then sell it yourself and get the cash in your hands. At the car dealer, that money for a trade-in is just fancy math on some paper to allow you to feel good about your new purchase. So is free shipping! It’s there to make you feel good, its not there to give you free shipping.

Think about it a minute. If you buy the Wool Pea Coat with Free Shipping, who really pays the Carrier to deliver it to you? UPS, FedEx, Dex, and the U.S. Post Office is not going to deliver that New men’s wool pea coat to you for free. No way, brother & sisters.

Someone has to pay the bill of freight. If you do not pay for the shipping outright, then the store will pay that free shipping, for you with your money. That’s really free shipping. You pay for up front, or you pay for within the price of the pea coat you just purchased. All businesses who offer free shipping for a men’s navy pea coat operate that way. They have too, or they go broke. In business, no matter what kind it is, there is nothing free. Everything has a price and that price must be met by someone.

If you think you are happy about a ‘return ticket’, guess again…you pay for, its in the cost of the article you bought. Its just a cost and they raise their prices to you, to pay for that extra cost. If you think you are getting anything Free, you are not.

There is the expense of Shipping, no matter how it is presented to the public. The shipping carriers are going to get their payment, their taste, so to speak. We as consumers and shoppers, do not have to like it, but we have to pay. And Businesses are not going to give that to you free. You will pay for the shipping, whether you see it outright, or would rather not see it and have it masked.

Just remember - There is really No Such Thing as Free Shipping.  You pay for it - one way or another.