Posted by on 15th Oct 2014

Cheap Imports vs. American Made | Leather Jacket

Once again we enter the fray…choosing between apparel that is foreign made and buying apparel that is USA Made, or of American Manufacture. Let’s face it, there is a lot of foreign made good out there, and is seems the Major Discount Stores will continue their devotion to low dollar goods, or cheap goods. And the apparel goods at these stores are cheap and not the best manufacture. Even pricey Boutiques offer foreign made articles that are made at very little cost overseas. These high fashion expensive offerings usually sport some special ‘Brand Name’ so they can excuse themselves while they raise the price tag on the shopper. Yet, let’s not fool ourselves too much here. The goods are made of cheap low grade material and sewn together with low grade threads that will not last long.

What is even more interesting is the very same people who cry ‘feed the poor’ are the very same people who can’t wait to buy the expensive fashion clothes that are often made in foreign Sweat Shops, where workers are held at bay be muscular ‘Supervisors’ who will cave in their heads if they try to leave. Even the term ‘Sweat Shop’ is nothing but a new political correct term for ‘Slave Labor’. Many of the world’s top Brands have been made in these numerous ‘Sweat Shops’ and they are so embarrassed when the fact becomes known. But the greed holds true once the hoopla blows over and everyone involved apologies and issues a formal ‘official pretense of ignorance’ and says ‘never again’ while standing in front of the cameras with big glowing kitten eyes. The only thing that really happened was the workers were moved to another location and the work continued. And you most likely bought that Brand of clothes ---again, with little thought of your involvement.

How can you compete against someone making high fashion clothes or jackets for $.050 cents a day? That is a tall order, yet some American Companies do just that. Made in the USA is coming back. More and more, Americans are deliberately looking for USA Made Products to purchase, before they buy that import article. More and more Americans are becoming tired and weary of buying foreign made cheap junk. Many Americans are even buying the more expensive American Brands out of patriotic spite. Many are just refusing to buy foreign made anymore. You can blame them.

After a while, Americans are just becoming very tired of leather bomber jackets that don’t fit right in the shoulders or navy pea coats featuring sewn in threads that split and unravel, who wool is perhaps not wool, but something ‘unknown’. American are tired of being charged for something ‘special’ and finding out is cheap everyday rabbit fur, or learning that their neighbor’s dog and cat have possible contributed to their new clothing line up. Americans are sick and tired of being fooled into purchasing a B3 Shearling Bomber Jacket, made of sheepskin, only to find out that it’s scratchy and made from poor Lama Pelts from Brazil.

Americans are tired of foreign made Jeans and other Denim Products that develop ‘holes’ where there should be no holes. Americans are tired of watching their threads unweaving and unraveling before their eyes.

The reliance of foreign made clothing in Asia is also a main reason that taller Americans who need to purchase Tall or Long sized clothing can’t find much to choose from. Take shirts for example, Big Sizes in Golf Shirts just aren’t an Asian Manufacturer’s specialty and foreign apparel manufacturer’s want their production orders in the thousands in just one color before they will make anything. They hold many America shirt Companies hostage with these enormous production orders.