Posted by on 18th Feb 2016

American Business-Textiles & Bomber Jacket Manufacturers

The American Textile and clothing Manufacturing climate in America is not healthy. The vibrancy is gone and the union workers who are still employed in the few factories and warehouses in the textile trade know it. The tipping scale is leaning hard the wrong direction and owners and their leather bomber jacket employees can feel the danger of its possible loss.

And the Chinese are working overtime to make our textile and manufacturing base disappear. The Chinese have and are continuing to worm their way into the pockets of Washington Lobbyists, buying up U.S. Companies, their equipment, and other properties. They have learned that there is no one in Washington, D.C. willing to save the American Textile Industry. Unfortunately, a huge American Business, Walmart, has joined hands with the Chinese and is marching step with them in their takeover of our Textile Industry. Remember, it was Walmart in the 80’s and 90’s who killed off far too many American factories in favor of replacing their shelves with cheap stock Chinese Product.

Even those who have managed to survive the Walmart/Chinese onslaught are often still at the mercy of the Chinese if they need materials that are no longer make within the United States. Take zippers for example. Customers used to ask for KY Zippers. It’s been years since any were made in the U.S. There is only one Company left that makes webbing cuffs and bottoms for nylon bomber jackets in America, the rest come from China. Zippers in general now are plastic and come from Mexico (transplanted American Companies) or from China. And much of the textile materials that U.S. Manufacturer need to make their jackets, comes from China.

Shoes anyone? They come from China or Mexico. Again, transplanted American Companies. There are so few shoes made in the U.S, you can count them on one hand.

Why, you ask? Business crushing Federal Regulations under Democrat Politicians and hurtful Taxes by Democrat Politicians and agenda driven Bureaucrats. Combined, these cruel Government procedures have wounded American Manufacturing and Retail Business to the point that a shirt can be manufactured in China, shipped by overseas freighter, trucked throughout the United States, and Priced cheaper that a shirt made right here at home. That goes for socks, shoes, hats, belts, jackets, blankets, sheets, even some food stuffs.

There are some in our society who shout that we as a people must, “Take Our Country Back”. It’s a wonderful sentiment.

However, we must regain our manufacturing base. “We must take our Economy Back” first. Money talks and bullshit really does walk. That is the real danger to our beloved Nation. Do anyone really believe it is our weapons that put fear into our enemies? Yes, our high tech in weaponry does help protect us and gives the outside world reason to pause. However, it has always been the American Can Do Spirit that has raised the bar with a worldly overwhelming Economy, Wealth, and Industrial base that has levied the real fear into America’s enemies. It has always been American Trade and Industry that has allowed America to be so great and that leading world power that has helped in keeping the entire world somewhat safe. It has been the American Industrial Power that has Filled many a vacuum.

More importantly, it has been American know-how and its industrial power that has kept Americans working, both in private sectors and in the Union Shops that make USA Made Camouflage jackets. With American textile jobs disappearing, there has been nothing to re-fill the lost job void. Highly skilled Union Works have had to find other jobs.

If you cannot create industrial jobs, and you are unable and unwilling to save and keep the existing Union manufacturing jobs, then America will be for the worse. High Taxes, and even higher Taxes, and steeper Regulations under the Democrats, the Left Wing Liberal utopias will be unable to sustain American Commerce and the existing jobs. Union Jobs will be the very first to go, and disappear forever. Why would a Union Job be retained when no one has any of their own money to buy the product a union worker made? There will be nothing but a vast number of American Companies closing their doors to their own workers, and moving their entire business interests overseas or over the border.

All of this is not good news, however it does get worse. Foreign textile interests are increasingly holding American Manufacturers hostage. How? By entering into a contract for material, or pre-fabricated parts, like collars, web cuffs, hoods, or just Rolls of a textile nylon material in the collar needed. Then when delivery day comes, it is nowhere to be found. When the American Business makes inquiries, they discover that the original contract has been arbitrarily “changed” by the Chinese Manufacturer. The Chinese inform the American Company that the cost has risen and that full payment is due before they can even ship. Its extortion. And it is happening more than most think.

There are some who are determined to take America into a Socialist Society. A Socialist Agenda that will take Wall Street down, create higher, profit killing Taxation and distressing business killing regulation. We hear chants in the street, “share the wealth” from individuals who do not want to work, are not willing to sacrifice to make something of themselves. These so called ‘Utopians’ are really not interested in sharing the wealth, they want the wealth given to them. It is the old children’s tale of the Little Red Hen. Unfortunately, these Utopians are not interesting the many opportunities available to them to improve their own lot. They have not learned the lesson that nothing is really free, it must be earned.

Under this leftist scheme, Small Middle Class Businesses, like those who offer the famous 9149 nylon bomber jacket will also be forced under from overweight and damaging regulations, and a tax structure designed to lacerate any profit. It will not take long for the Leftists & Utopians to discover that there will be nothing they can share because there will be nothing for them to share.

Now, the Chinese are vying for our Industrial power, and American Politicians seem content to let them continue to smother U.S. manufacturing. Even Boeing is moving to China. And more major U.S. Companies are vying to do business with Iran. When will Americans awake to the industrial dangers stocking them?

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